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3. Set free from the darkness - Introduction

In the section ‘Heaven’s View’ of this website we explored the question of ‘Who are we?’ The truth, made clear to us throughout the pages of the Bible is that we are not advanced animals who have somehow evolved from some primordial mud billions of years ago – we are beings created in the image of the God who made the universe, created to have a unique relationship with him which was spoiled and broken in the Garden of Eden. If you need to consider again those claims of the Bible I encourage you to revisit the ‘Heaven’s View’ page of this website although I will be reminding us of them in this section. In the section ‘The Healing Journey’ we looked at the response demanded by the Christian Gospel. We can either try to fix our lives our own way apart from God or insist that we are fine as we are and don’t need fixing, or as I shared in my own testimony we can come to God and allow him to truly fix and heal us.


In this section we are going to look at how we can be restored from our brokenness through knowing Jesus. I need to emphasise that it is only by having a genuine relationship with him through being born again that any of what follows can become a reality for you but I pray that as you read God will meet you and begin to heal your life wherever you are spiritually. I believe that the notes that follow are relevant to you even if you are not struggling with gender confusion - you share in the brokenness of the whole human race and God wants to help you with whatever issues you struggle with.


I encourage you to visit the subsections below in the order they are given especially the first section, ‘Who is on the throne?’

Click on the buttons below to go each section...


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